Monday, April 7, 2014

Expect the unexpected? Pls.

This year of college is nearing the end, and in the coming weeks, I'm going to have A LOT to do, so I figured writing in the blog now would be the best thing to do now instead of getting ahead on my work.

That's just my good, excelling, student logic. (ha, yeah right.)

Anywho, I figured I'd explore the topic that came into my head this weekend, which is that my freshman college life was not only like what most people experience, but also completely opposite of what I had expected all through out high school. And here is my list:

I had expected:

1.) To room with a friend from high school (Brittany you got my hopes up, dangit!), or at least connect from people from high school.
2.) I would live in a dorm with a bunch of cool girls who occasionally stole my clothes but also had clothes I could steal.
3.) To have a posse to hit up dance parties with
4.) Kiss/go on dates with lots of boys
5.) Share a bathroom with a whole floor of girls
6.) Have a job
7.) Read my textbooks every night
8.) Own a laptop on which I could type my papers from home.
9.) Go on late night food runs with my roomies and/or people from my floor
10.) Have plans every weekend.
11.) Join the lacrosse team
12.) Pulling all nighters with a huge thing of caffeine beside me to fuel me
13.) To do well in classes that had everything to do with my major
14.) Do poorly in classes that had nothing to do with my major
15.) Make friends with the people in class that sat near me
16.) To have a friend group to call my own
17.) Have a roommate with a car so we could all pile in for our grocery trips
18.) To stay out in the wee hours of the night doing hoodrat things
19.) Gain some freshman 15
20.) To love being away from Gilbert and everything familiar to me
21.)  To be anxious to go back to school every time I went home for a break of some sort
22.)  Being able to bake cookies for people
23.) Become a true aggie

Annnnddd what actually happened:

1.) I came up here completely alone, and although I have people from high school around, I never see them. And its April.
2.) I lived in an apartment, connected to a dentist office with Korean people living above and below me who love to cook weird foods and sing Taylor Swift while in the shower. (I hear it from my kitchen). As well as some creepy dude who takes his morning smokes. I lived with a psycho druggie roommate and a Korean and then ended up living in a empty apartment all to myself.
3.) What dance parties? What posse? What is a social life?
4.) Found myself an incredible boy in the summer before school started that I never expected anything to happen with or to continually go well for the whole school year. :)
5.) I only had to share a bathroom with two sloppy girls, that i had to personally clean. And then I got it for myself.
6.) ...never applied for a job and have collected the credit card debt i learned NOT to do in my Financial Apps class senior year. (I'm sorry Mr. Hoffland, it probably didn't stick since you hated me.)
7.) I think I have only ever opened my text books while studying for an exam. Like the week before. Or night before. Or day of. Or on my way to that class.
8.) I had to go to the computer lab in the harsh winter nights of December. I decided against it and missed ^ online assignments. #whoops #arizonagirlstruggles
9.) Pop tarts runs by myself in the institute. Or forcing Chet to walk to Subway with me.
10.) I did well at having plans at first...but now I leave for the weekends probably 3 times a month. Friday and Saturday included.
11.) Haha noope. Dodged a bullet and a financial downfall by avoiding that.
12.) I have yet to pull an all nighter. *self high five*
13.) Got a D+ in my Psych class (I'm a social work/ social science major) ( I did bad in psych because of the stupid online assignments).
14.) B in Biology. (I hate physical science)
15.) I never made friends sitting next to people in class, but my boxercise class has made me a lot of good friends that I get to act stupid with. For example, dance around the gym acting like seals and sky dancers (if you remember that 90's toy I applaude you) with kick-catching mitt thingies. (There is no maturity).

16.) I have no go-to "group", per say, but friends who invite me places more than others. And I love them.
17.) I ride the bus by myself for groceries. Always. So did my roommate, until the shopping cart incident. (see previous blog posts)
18.) I think I stayed out until 2 once to watch A Night's Tale. (I didn't get to choose the movie)
19.) Lost a freshman 10. :o
20.) I was so homesick. Still am a lot of the time. Utah people are still weird to me.
21.) I'm anxious to go home for the next break every time I get back to school...
22.) Roommate stole my cookie sheet when she moved out. Good thing I stole her bowl.
23.) Not a necessarily a "true" aggie, BUT I did get to kiss my special someone on the "A", so it counts enough for me!

All in all, it has been one....interesting year to say the least. Things definitely didn't go as planned, but I know that at the very least, I had a few things (Particularly 4, 16, and 23) that turned out better than I ever would have expected. That doesn't go to say that I will miss it here, because valley winds, cold, long distance relationships and being lonely for a better part of my time, is not my cup of chocolate milk. (chocolate milk in my favorite. Tea sucks.)

And now pictures.
A sky dancer, so you know what I am talking about.

Okay, so I do hoodrat things sometimes

My school is pretty. And I am a pro photographer.

One thing I will miss when I leave here...

If this semester kills me, you can find me here. The on-campus cemetery. Yes I am serious.


This is my view as I do my laundry. Yes, I live a life filled with glamour.

Making my Landlord give me a new fridge. Like a boss.

Aaaand this one is just to be self indulgent. We are models.


  1. Why don't more people talk about how creepy that on-campus cemetery is?! Freaked me the crap out when I thought I was gonna go to Utah State.

    1. Hahaha RIGHT. My uncle was telling me that they called the dorms close to it "The Morgue Dorms".

  2. Guess school did kill enough people to have their own cemetery..

    1. Its been around for a hundred there is quite a collection...
